Kyoto II, Japan

Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine
Yasaka Shrine, also known as Gion Shrine, is one of the most famous shrines in Kyoto and was founded over 1350 years ago.

You can really now imagine how much we had walked for this day and yet, the day was not over. Last stop was another shrine that lies in between 2 districts. It was already evening so we had to find our way to the shrine by walking almost a kilometer from the train station. There was a time that we thought we were lost but I trusted the maps and it said we were still a distance away from the goal. And so we kept on walking…

We were hunting for Yasaka or Gion Shrine when we saw this entrance that we thought was of the shrine but no, it wasn’t.

We saw an entrance that had an arch so we thought that the shrine could be inside. After looking around for signs, there was a sign on the other side of the arch that did not spell as Yasaka but we took some photos anyway.

Yasaka Gate
The entrance to the Yasaka or Gion Shrine.

After almost 20 minutes, we spotted a familiar gate. We could not be wrong. And yes, somewhere we saw it said “Yasaka.” Although the temple was already closed, this shrine showcases a structure having lighted lanterns as donations and that was what we were after.

Each lantern bears the name of a local business in return for a donation.
As we exited the shrine, we could clearly see the brightly lit streets in front of us.

Gion was actually a part of our itinerary but we decided to skip it due to the crying condition of our legs and feet. But maybe, these brightly lit street we passed by was part of it, especially now that I learned that Yasaka is also known as Gion Shrine.

The gate as we exited the shrine.

We likewise had our scrumptious Indian dinner in one of the restaurants along this strip to satisfyingly end a perfect day and man, oh how hungry we were!

We walked through this street of consistent lamps and labels. Must be a part of Gion, we thought.

Not so fast with ending the day, we were still in Kyoto so one last step to do was to travel back to Osaka for an hour. Nonetheless, everything was great, we did not mind the long train rides. Arigato Kyoto!?

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