Kyoto II, Japan

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

Soaring High
Clusters of bamboo trees soaring high in the sky.

We were excited to rent bikes to go around the forest. We saw a shop on the way and asked how much but the lady said the shop was already closed. Aw, they close early and it was just 16:30. Oh well, back to feet work.

When we reached the start of the bamboo cluster, we were so amused that we stayed in one place for sooo long (20 minutes was looong for just one corner of the forest). We tried all angles with our cameras just to get a good shot of us and the bamboo trees with a good light. The trees stood there with confidence and grace at the same time, ignoring our struggle.

I am an explorer so I started to leave that one corner where we stayed for a long time and checked if there were more trees deeper in the forest. After walking for a few meters, the cluster ended but deep inside of me, I was not convinced. Before I could walk further, my friends were shouting saying they found a good angle for our group shot so I went back.

This is just the copy that I have.
Lie Down
If you can just lie down and enjoy the view.

Altogether we continued to follow the road to see what’s out there though the cluster has ended. After a few more minutes, alas, in front of us was the most beautiful section of the forest! Yep, we spent another half hour before dusk.

Forest Peak
This is probably the densest part of the Bamboo Forest. This was how the paths were made in order for visitors to enjoy the Bamboo Forest.
Bamboo Fight
Imagine just like in Chinese movies where the characters swing, fly, and fight at the top of these Bamboo trees.
Perfect timing for my friends when no one was there to bomb the photo.
Not Bad
Still not bad, the place, no matter how famous, was not that crowded as I had expected.

As the sky was turning dark, we forced ourselves to wake up from dreaming. There were still roads leading to some exit so we trod it. Unfortunately, at the end of the long road was just a map that mentions the nearest exit, which points to the direction where we came from. Deja vu eh?  We went back with heavy feet. Sorry, dear feet.

Take a peek of how it was like to tread the dreamy forest in the following video:

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