Before It’s Too Late…

Before it’s too late…

Let us be reminded to make the most of our lives and remember our main purpose why we are alive in the first place. May we always give the glory back to God as we use the gifts and talents He has showered upon us.

May we set aside pride and selfishness in order not to cause division in the church of Christ but rather to build a healthy relationship with others especially within the family for blessings couldn’t freely flow in a divided family. May we not wait for a loss of life to give up our pride, reunite, and do what is right and godly.

May we practice humility through having teachable spirits, thus, being open to corrections rather than habitually and unconsciously judging and finding faults in others just so we can lift ourselves higher. We are answerable to God and not to people. With this, please correct me with love whenever I misrepresent Christ who saved me.

May we refocus our lives to what truly matters, which is to act in love like how Jesus did and primarily to win souls and make disciples. May we not just satisfactorily label ourselves as ‘Christians’ and do nothing.

May we remember that our blessings such as wealth and jobs are from God and that He is the provider, thus, He takes priority in our so-called busy schedules and not the other way around. God can take away anything that He has given when He wills to.

“Too busy is a myth. People make time for the things that are really important to them.” ~Mandy Hale

May we have truly forgiving hearts to give allowance for others’ faults and shortcomings for we weren’t made perfect but we were made perfect in Christ when we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior.

May we be true servants in this world even when we get zero recognition or appreciation from anyone especially in this era where we desperately seek public approval from everyone through social media. Even Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Our labor for the Lord is never in vain if we do it solely for Him and not for self-fulfillment. God knows our hearts and recognition comes from the Lord. Life, anyway, is not a competition but is of utmost service to the One who made us. It’s not about us. It’s all about Him.

May we surrender all our burdens, hurts, and pains to Jesus for His yoke is easy. May we not dwell long enough on these pains that we redirect the focus back to ourselves and thereby losing sight of our calling.

May each confessed mistake or failure lead us to change for the glory of God rather than put the blame on other people for us to look outwardly good.

May we be wholeheartedly broken to His will to allow Jesus to greatly live and work in us. Jesus already took our place on the cross unconditionally even when we didn’t deserve it.

May our cups be empty and clean so God can fill us up until they overflow. Then only we can be fully used by God as His instrument to share His goodness and love to others. God cannot work in cups that are full of “I” and complaining. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

May we continue to have an overflowing attitude of gratitude especially on the things that we frequently take for granted. Some people’s only wish is to be healed. After all, it’s the season of Thanksgiving!

“It is not how much of the scripture we KNOW but how much of the scripture we LIVE.”

Philippians 4:8‭-‬9 NLT
Fix your thoughts on what is true,
and honorable, and right,
and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent
and worthy of praise.
Keep putting into practice
all you learned and received from me—
everything you heard from me and saw me doing.
Then the God of peace will be with you.


Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the chance to change by waking me up everyday and reminding me how blessed I am in spite of the troubles in life. Forgive me, Lord, during those times that I fill my cup with “I” by directing the glory and attention to myself. Teach my heart, O God, to make things be about You and to have a heart of obedience. To You be all the glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus’s mighty name. Amen.

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